About Us
Scenic Lake is a private 140-157 acre all-sports lake located in Woodhull Township, Michigan, and does not offer any public access. The lake is located in Laingsburg just outside of East Lansing, Michigan. There are approximately 200 homes surrounding the lake and residents not only enjoy the lake, but also the use of the association-maintained park and planned gatherings/activities.
Scenic Lake was formed by a glacial scour. It is primarily a surface-water-fed perched lake, however, it does have some direct connection to the water table. The lake is in the northeast corner of the Looking Glass Watershed. It drains approximately 1,024 surface acres of which 240 are agricultural. Forest, wetlands, and residential use land make up the remaining acreage. Scenic Lake has two small surface water inputs, from wetlands, one on the west side of the south lake and one to the west end of Woodbury Channel. Scenic Lake has a single outflow into a small county drain which is directly connected to the Looking Glass River.    
Dredging started in 1964 and continued on and off until 1985. During this time, most of the subdivisions were plotted. Normal water level is 822 feet (above sea level). This fluctuates between a high of 823’ and 2” (the lake was at 823’ in 1992 & 2004) and a low of 820’ and 5 inches. In 2006, the north lake area measured 15 feet deep. The south lake is 25 feet at the deepest hole and 15 feet deep in the middle area. The East Bay channel measures 10 feet deep.